Terms and conditions If you decide to come for therapy or assessment, I will ask you to sign a consent form to confirm you have read and understood the following.
Liaison with other professionals- I will ask you consent to me working with other professionals who are supporting you or your child (e.g. professionals from Health and Education).
Cancellation Policy 24 hours notice- no charge. Late cancellations (later than 8am the same day)- 50% of session charge. Non attendance- charged at full rate.
Payment Payment on booking sessions- BACS/ Cheque/ Cash. I will contact you if payment is overdue. Prices may be increased annually. Clients will be notified 30 days in advance of any increase. Cheques payable to ‘Alison Langshaw Speech and Language Therapy’.
Collection of Personal Information As part of Speech and Language Therapy and Assessment, information relating to client’s communication skills will be collected and written as notes/ reports. Reports, if requested will be shared with you/ others you consent to information being shared with. Reports/ written notes/ videos (if appropriate) will be securely stored in accordance with ICO General Data Protection Regulations. For children, records are stored until they are 25 years old. For adults, records are kept for 8 years after last contact. After this time, records are destroyed.
Complaints You have the right to withdraw consent to treatment at any time. Should you have any questions or concerns, please contact me to discuss. You also have the right to make a formal complaint by contacting the Association of Speech and Language Therapists in Independent Practice by going to www.helpwithtalking.com